AdmCity Payment Methods
SSL Secure Server Payment System | Wire Transfer | Checks & Money Order

1)By credit cards online

Click Here for SSL Secure Server Payment System online

2)Pay Sterling and UK cheques:

Money Order or Check (British pounds)
payable to
J Ling

2.1)At a branch

Visit any major UK bank branch and use one of the Bank Giro Credit slips.

Most Lloyds Bank branches provide this service free in the UK, while other banks may charge a small fee.)

2.2)By post

Money Order or Check (British pounds)
payable to
J Ling

and mail to

1 Rue Paul Cezanne, VALBONNE, 06560 FRANCE.



3)Bank Wire Transfer (British Pounds or US dollars)
Please submit the following information to your bank.

For any payment more than $500.00, wire transfer or cheques are recommanded.

Please give the following information to your bank.

Currency Payment To For credit to: For futher credit to:
UK Sterling Citibank N.A. London
336 The Strand London, WC2R 1HB
Citibank International plc

A/C 5524040
address: CITIGB2L

Citibank International plc
Name: J Ling
Account Number: 80769806
US Dollars Citibank N.A. New York
399 Park Avenue
New York, NY, 10043, USA
For credit to
Citibank N.A. London
A/C 10990765
address: CITIGB2L
Citibank International plc A/C 5524032
Name: J Ling
Account Number: 80769814

Any question, please email to

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